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Season 1, Episode 3: The Relics of Nora Saltonstall

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在这一集里, we’re looking at the papers and artifacts of Nora Saltonstall, an adventurous young American who volunteered with the Red Cross in France during the First World War.  As a driver for a mobile hospital unit, Nora transported supplies and taxied wounded soldiers across the war front. For her services she received the Croix de Guerre – the highest honor given by the French government to volunteers. After returning safely to Boston in 1919, Nora embarked on a camping tour of national parks in the American West, where she met an unexpected fate.

Explore the papers and photographs of Nora Saltonstall here

View more highlights from the Saltonstall Family og体育官网 here

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外音(器乐) 查德·克劳奇(Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0国际)
灵媒 by Dominic Giam of Ketsa Music (licensed under a commercial non-exclusive license by the Massachusetts Historical Society through
好奇的天性 by Dominic Giam of Ketsa Music (licensed under a commercial non-exclusive license by the Massachusetts Historical Society through